
Open and transparent government

​I hold regular public hearings on important issues to help citizens express their views, get true information, and to shape government policy and help decide crucial spending issues. It is important to conduct public business in public, not behind closed doors.


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Speaking out against waste

I believe it is important to speak out against government waste. By speaking the truth about how tax dollars are spent and by asking the tough questions, your public servants help the people make the right choices. Our citizens have the right to know what the government is doing with their money and to have a say in how it is spent.

Smart Spending

US Dollar bill, super macro, close up photo

We need to expand and improve health care services and to fill the critical need for long term mental health care in Douglas County. We should work to convert all of our Douglas County owned buildings to economical, environmentally responsible energy systems, which will resultin big savings to our taxpayers. We can finance these projects with AAA bonds voted on by the people without increasing taxes.

Common Sense


Consolidation, cooperation, seeking lower cost solutions

 Collaboration with community partners, input from taxpayers and careful study lead to the best decision making.  Renovating existing buildings we already own is environmentally responsible and can save millions.