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Meet Jim
Working together,
we can do better.
I am asking for your vote.
Our values need to be represented in government. This election is critical. Now is the time to register, to talk to your neighbors and to vote!
I work for you.
It’s important to tell the truth, to have the courage to stand up for what is right, and to work hard for common sense solutions and earn your trust.

Our government must be open, transparent and accountable. I will always insist that citizens know what their government is doing.
Public money should be spent only on public projects. Spending decisions must be done in the open to avoid wasting taxpayer dollars.
Common Sense
The $45 million public safety bond was the result of a cooperative initiative I led which saves significant taxpayer dollars and lives.
Smart Spending
Expand and improve health care services for all Douglas County citizens. Fill the critical need for long-term mental health care.